Renunciation of citizenship must be done in person at the Embassy. In order to renounce your Malaysian citizenship, you must first obtain the Dutch nationality. The Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) will request evidence from you that you have started your renunciation procedure within three months of receiving your Dutch passport. This comes in the form of a letter that the Embassy will issue once your application is completed.

Please bring the following original documents to your appointment:

  1. Malaysian Passport
  2. Malaysian IC
  3. Malaysian Birth Certificate
  4. Two (2) passport size pictures (Blue background)
  5. Dutch Passport
  6. Certificate of Citizenship (Bekendmaking van verlening van het Nederlanderschap)
  7. Renunciation fee (Please bring the exact amount in cash only)
The Embassy will forward your application together with your Malaysian Passport, IC and Birth Certificate to the National Registration Department (JPN). The Embassy will also issue you a letter which states that you have started the renunciation process.

The original birth certificate and the Renunciation Approval Letter will be returned to you once your application has been approved. Please note that this process can take approximately 6 months to complete.

Application type

Renunciation fee

Renunciation of Citizenship
