Non-Muslim Marriage

A non-Muslim Malaysian citizen who has contracted a marriage in the Netherlands MUST register the marriage with this office within six (6) months from the date of marriage. This is a legal requirement under the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 of Malaysia) and it is an offence if you fail to do so within the prescribed time. A penalty charge will be imposed for late registration depending on how late the registration takes place.

The procedure requires both husband and wife to appear personally at this office and produce the following documents:

  1. Passports of the couple
  2. Malaysian IC and Dutch Residence Permit
  3. Birth certificates of the couple 
  4. International Marriage Certificate 
  5. One (1) passport size photograph of both persons
  6. Registration fee
  7. Registration fee (Please bring the exact amount in cash only)  for registration made within six months from the date of marriage

Application type

Registration fee

Registration of Marriage


Registration will be processed by the Embassy and two copies of the Malaysian Marriage Certificate will be issued to the couple.

Muslim Marriage

Muslim marriages can only be registered at the Jabatan Agama in the state where you are registered in Malaysia. The Muslim Marriage Certificate has to be attested by the Embassy of Malaysia in The Hague for it to be valid.

Please note that Mosques and Islamic Organizations/Associations in The Netherlands are not allowed to issue any Muslim Marriage Certificate if the couple has not been married before the Dutch law at the local municipality. 

The procedure requires both husband and wife to appear personally at this office and produce the following documents:

  1. Passports of the couple
  2. Identification cards of the couple
  3. Marriage certificate issued by the Dutch authority (Uitreksel huwelijksakte)
  4. Marriage certificate issued by a recognized Mosque or Islamic Organization/Association
  5. Signature sample form, printed and filled in by the Imam of the mosque
  6. Attestation fee (Please bring the exact amount in cash only)

Application type

Attestation fee per certificate

Attestation of Marriage Certificate


The attestation will be stamped on the original Muslim Marriage Certificate.