Foreword by the Charge d’Affaires a.i

Dear esteemed readers,

I respectfully bring to you De Haagse Brug, our e-Newsletter for Q2 of the year 2021.

The Embassy of Malaysia in The Hague continued its operations as usual despite various challenges due the COVID19 pandemic. We strived to ensure that our commitments based on our ‘client charter’ is fulfilled based on the responsibilities and trust put to us by our stakeholders.

Our e-newsletter depicts our activities undertaken during the period April-June 2021, and we endeavour to do more in the future.

Enjoy reading.

Dr. Mohd Norhisyam Mohd Yusof
Charge d’Affaires a.i

Did you know?


The Tulip was originally a wild flower growing in Central Asia. It was first cultivated by the Turks as early as 1000AD. Tulips mania in Turkey struck in the 16th century, at the time of the Ottoman Empire. They were rapidly introduced into Europe and became a frenzied commodity during the Tulip mania. Tulips were frequently depicted in Dutch Golden Age paintings, and have become associated with the Netherlands, the major producer for world markets.

The Embassy took the initiatives to grow some tulips in various colour around the garden at the Chancery building. You may wish to visit our small tulips garden between mid-March to mid-May.

Table of Contents


Ambassador-designate of Malaysia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands

On 15 June 2021, Her Excellency Dato’ Nadzirah Osman, Ambassador-designate of Malaysia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands received her letter of credence from Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong, King of Malaysia.

Malawakil The Hague wishes to congratulate H.E. Dato’ and welcomes her to The Hague on 20 August 2021.


On 7th April 2021, The Embassy received Brothers Sulaiman al Kanduissi and Muhammad Reda al Kadi from an Islamic Funeral Association in the Netherlands (BIUN).

Our discussion not only focused on the funeral services provided to Muslim in the Netherland but also about the registration of marriage for Muslim and possible list of Imams who are able to certify the registration of new reverts. We also discussed about how the Embassy could cooperate with other Muslim organizations in embarking on our CSR programmes.


On 15th April 2021, Dr. Mohd Norhisyam Mohd Yusof, Charge d’Affaires a.i. received Mr. Gopinathan of Malaysian Timber Council (MTC) . The MTC Representative Office was transferred from London to Rotterdam since the end of 2019.

Mr. Gopinathan arrived in the Netherlands in November last year. We discussed about many issues of concern. We were glad to learn that the export of Malaysia timber products to Europe was amounting to over RM1 billion last year.  With our certified timber products, we believe that we can do better, if not because of COVID19. The pandemic has to certain extend disrupted our marketing activities.


CDA a.i participated the Embassy in a six day talk series on National Competitiveness Progranme organised by the Malaysian Productivity Centre and a d hosted by Wisma Putra.

MH17 Criminal Proceedings

We continued to observe the seventh block of the proceedings of MH17 criminal trials. Although COVID19 situation did not allow us to follow the proceedings in person at the Court, we did that on online live streaming, even on Malaysian public holidays.

We are confident that justice can be served to all parties concerned by an independent, open and impartial criminal proceedings.

25th Session of the Conference of the State Parties of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

Charg’e d’Affaires a.i. led Malaysia’s delegation to the 25th Session of the Conference of the State Parties of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, from 20 to 22 April 2021. Malaysia remain steadfast with our principled position that we condemn the use of chemical weapons by anyone, at anytime, anywhere and under any circumstances.


The Embassy has attended the ASEAN Committee of The Hague (ACTH) Working Group’s Meeting on 8 April 2021 at the Embassy of Viet Nam. This was the first ACTH Working Group meeting held in person since COVID-19 pandemic hit the Netherlands last year.


On 02 June 2021, Charge d’Affaires a.i. led the Embassy in a discussion with the pro-tem committee of the Malaysia-Netherlands Student Council (MNSC), a new student-led society representing Malaysian students in the Netherlands. The committee was led by Ms. Klarissa Loke. We discussed some issues pertaining to the official establishment of MNSC, the registration requirements according to the Dutch regulation for the association as well as the future programs and activities.

Salam perantauan warga Kedutaan Besar Malaysia di The Hague, Belanda

This year, the Embassy was not able to host the Hari Raya Reception due to COVID19 measures in the Netherlands. Nevertheless, we have recorded a group video to wish Raya greetings to our parents, relatives and friends. The video was broadcasted in AWANI, ASTRO.


On 11 May 2021 PERWAKILAN The Hague together with the Embassy organized recitation session of surah Yaasin and Tahlil via online following the demise of the mother  to Pn. Sofiana Ab Wahab, Personal Assistant to the Ambassdor. We prayed that the soul of Almarhumah Mrs. Sofiana’s mother would be placed with the solihins and all sins be forgiven and receive the best reward from Allah Jalla Waa’la.


PERWAKILAN THE HAGUE organized a food exchange event in conjunction with the holy month of Ramadan 2021. The event has been started since 2020 and is expected to remain as a tradition among PERWAKILAN members.



With the theme “Empowering Halal, Together, Tomorrow”, the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) is organizing the 17th Malaysia International Halal Showcase (MIHAS) from 9th September to 31 December 2021 in Kuala Lumpur.  This year MIHAS is designed as a versatile hybrid showcase with digital capabilities to bring patrons, investors and trade partners the best of both worlds while facilitating high-value Halal trade.

 Over the past 17 years, MIHAS has grown into a premier international marketplace for the global halal community to explore business opportunities and grow their network. In an effort to widen perspectives about the halal industry, the event will focus on showcasing 12 key pillars representing growing halal markets across the globe. These include long-established sectors such as food and beverage, education, pharmaceuticals, services and enablers, and franchise. While the more contemporary sectors comprise modest fashion, Islamic finance, cosmetics and personal care, media and recreation, Muslim friendly travel, e-commerce and food technology.

 MIHAS is the place for local and international Halal players to obtain critical global exposure for their products or services in order to elevate market share. With Halal products and services fast gaining momentum among non-Muslim consumers worldwide, the global Halal economy is forecasted to expand 20% per annum to reach USD2.3 trillion annually by 2024, making it one of the fastest-growing markets in the world.

MATRADE Netherlands is strengthening the efforts to promote the MIHAS in getting more international exhibitors to join the virtual exhibitions. Engagements with the potential exhibitors have been undertaken via online business meetings, briefings, and webinars.

Trade enquiries

MATRADE Netherlands also responding to trade enquiries and provide necessary assistance for both Malaysian companies and foreign buyers. We have responded to 69 trade enquiries covering products such as electrical & electronic products, healthcare products, F&B, palm oil, construction & building materials and machinery & equipment.

(*no e-biz match pictures can be published due to EUGDPR data protection)

eBiz Match

MATRADE continue to double its efforts to intensify export sales by leveraging on the digital platform amid the on-going Covid 19 pandemic.

The office has responded with a series of measures to support the business community remotely mainly through virtual initiatives in the forms of online business meetings (eBiz Match), trade briefing, and webinar.

In January – June, MATRADE Netherlands has organized about 7 e-Biz online business meetings for Malaysian companies to meet foreign buyers via virtual platform.

Among products sourced are gloves (medical, latex & nitrile gloves), processed food, furniture, sauces, and processed palm oil.

Trade Lead Provides Access to Global Market

One of MATRADE’s roles is to disseminate timely and relevant information as well as market intelligence to give Malaysian exporters the competitive edge in international trade.

Being on the ground, MATRADE Rotterdam provides market updates and information, trade leads and other relevant information in a timely manner that could be easily accessed by Malaysian exporters from MyExport Portal @MATRADE.

From January to June, MATRADE Rotterdam has prepared 14 Market Alerts, and 2 Product Market Studies covering market updates, trade leads and potential export products in few selected countries in the Europe.



The Agriculture Counsellor Office (ACO) continues to undertake engagements with relevant stakeholders to discuss latest development on agriculture policy and way forward to overcome technical barriers to trade, facilitate trade on agriculture sector and provide feedback on agriculture matters including market overview.

Some of the engagements undertaken with stakeholders during the second quarter of the year were as following:

  • Virtual Meeting with Embassy of Malaysia in Berne on 7 April 2021 and Embassy of Malaysia in Belgrade on 21 May 2021;
  • Virtual Meeting with Matrade in United Kingdom (UK) on 3 June 2021, Matrade in Frankfurt on 10 June 2021 and Matrade in Milan on 22 June 2021;
  • Meeting with Wah Nam Hong in the Netherlands on 20 April 2021, 18 May 2021 and 21 June 2021,
  • Meeting with Amazing Oriental in the Netherlands on 12 May 2021;
  • Virtual Meeting with Sunfresh Malaysia on 28 April 2021;
  • Virtual Meeting with Masters of Malaysian Cuisine (MOMC) on 7 May 2021 and 1 & 30 June 2021;
  • Meeting with Representative from Beho Fresh Malaysia on 10 & 27 May and 1 June 2021;
  • Virtual Meeting with Greenheart Farms in Malaysia on 8 June 2021; and
  • Virtual Meeting with Malaysia’s Fruits Association on 28 May 2021.


Our focus remains to strengthen market for agriculture products, venture new market and explore possible cooperation between Malaysia and Europe (including Netherlands), United Kingdom & Russia.


For  the second quarter of 2021, the office will continue the consultation and preparation for following programs:

  • On-line cooking demonstration with Masters of Malaysian Cuisine (MOMC) Chefs network from United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany and Hungary (8 – 12 September);
  • Malaysia Food & Fruits Week (MFFW) 2021 with Wah Nam Hong Oriental Stores (WNH) in the Netherlands (25 September – 2 October); and
  • Taste of Malaysia (TOM) 2021 with Amazing Oriental in the Netherlands (13 – 26 October).


MFFW and TOM 2021 programs will showcase tropical fruits as well as durian and durian-based food products to the Netherlands market. Following a series of consultation with oriental stores in the Netherlands, there is a demand for a selection of durian-based food products in this market.

In addition, the vegan market is also expanding and there is a huge potential for young jackfruit in Europe. The growing popularity of the vegan diet and the emerging trend of veganism has resulted in an accelerated demand for vegan food. The office is working closely with a few potential companies in Malaysia which have the capacity to export young jackfruit to Europe or produce a range of innovative jackfruit meat alternatives, including burgers, mince, sausages and nuggets.


Tourism Malaysia The Hague continues on promoting Malaysia in the Benelux to maximise resources, restore confidence and to stay visible in the market. While the first quarter of 2021 was all about discussing and planning promotion possibilities with our local and Malaysian stakeholders, the second quarter was focused on carrying out digital conferences and virtual activities. Please find below a selection of the digital conferences and activities carried out.

VAKANTIEBEURS Online Travel Festival

TM The Hague participated in VAKANTIEBEURS – Online Travel Festival’ from 3rd June- 5th June 2021. On 3rd June, travel professional had a special ‘stage’ for networking and knowledge exchange.

The consumer days took place on 4th and 5th June. The event took the form of an interactive online travel festival, aimed at bringing pre-holiday fun into people’s living rooms.

On Friday evening, 4 June, the festival kicked off with the “I ♥Travel” show, an interactive online travel experience that allowed holiday makers to dream off to their favourite destinations.

On 5th June, the online travel festival was a huge celebration of travel, with various films, sessions, meetings and much more.

Sarawak Tourism Board participated as well with their own online booth and as a co-exhibitor of Tourism Malaysia.

ANTOR BeLux Conference

We kicked off the second quarter by joining the ANTOR BeLux Conference that took place on 15th April. The virtual conference was about the future of travel & tourism during and after Covid 19 with focus on vaccines, certificates and travel corridors. Speakers from European Travel Commission (ETC), Antwerp agency for trend analysis and future research Pocket Marketing/nXt and World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) were invited during the online conference and gave their view on the future of travel & tourism.

Virtual Safari with Bornean Sun Bear

Since travelling is limited, Tourism Malaysia The Hague offered tour operators, travel agents and media from the Benelux the opportunity to attend a unique “virtual experience”. A local travel guide was present at the experience and hosted the guests virtually as if they were on a study trip.

The Virtual Safari with Bornean Sun Bear, was scheduled for 20th May.

The participants explored the daily life of Helarctos Malayanus a.k.a sun bear, in Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Center (BSBCC). BSBCC is located at Sepilok, Sandakan City, Sabah state, where 43 rescued ex-captive sun bears are residing now.

The participants have been guided by Dr. Wong, the founder of BSBCC, through a journey at the centre. Dr. Wong gave the participants the opportunity to take a closer look at the sun bear’s movement, their natural habitat, and also, how they interact with each other. Besides that, he also shared some information about the local flora and fauna such as orangutans, macaques, squirrels and diverse tropical tree species.

Do you want to experience this virtual safari as well? You can find more information on the website of Buddyz. Please see the following link:


Embassy of Malaysia

Rustenburgweg 2
2517KE, The Hague
The Netherlands


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We are currently updating our database of Malaysians in The Netherlands. If you have not registered yourself before, please do so by clicking on the button below. If have manually registered before, please re-register yourself by way of online registration.